
Join Us For Worship

The easiest way to meet us and experience our life together is to join us for worship. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you and find out how we might be able to serve you!

Our Worship Philosophy

Our worship seeks to be a life transforming experience of God’s presence through Word, Sacrament, music, and community. It is characterized by being:

Ancient and New: Our worship draws from elements used by God’s People in the two-thousand-year history of the church. The service contains both old and new, celebrating God’s story in human history by combining the best elements from our past with the present. We will use expository preaching, Psalms, historic hymns, doctrinal creeds, confessions of sin, Scripture readings and prayers as well as the best of contemporary songs, hymns and other Word-informed forms of corporate worship. 

Trinitarian and Christ-centered: “Worship of the living and true God is essentially an engagement with him on the terms that he proposes and in the way that he alone makes possible (David Peterson, Engaging with God, pg. 20).” Corporate worship should accurately reflect who God is and that we relate to Him as His redeemed creatures, bought with a price because of His mercy. As we consider the shape of our worship we must ask how must we conduct our lives and shape our meeting together in order to glorify God. 

Joyful and Reverent: Our worship should be joyful, reverent, and relevant to our everyday lives; authentic and not entertainment. While corporate worship usually includes music, music in itself is not worship. Our joyful response does not come from simply singing or listening to music but from our reverent exaltation of the grace of God with mind, heart and body. 

Shaped by the Drama of Redemption: Story formed worship always remembers a past and anticipates a future. Together, we find our place in the Story by remembering God’s faithfulness in the past and anticipating God’s hope for the future. Worship is a reenactment of the Gospel.

Priesthood of all Believers: Our worship should maximize the participation and gifting of all worshipers not just the people “up front.” Worship is a dialogue between God and his people. God speaks to us and we respond in praise, confession, and adoration.

Grounded in Sound Theology: True worship reflects Biblical truth. We are committed to meaningful, intentional use of Scripture in worship and expository preaching either inductive, deductive or narrative in form.